2020-02-03 14:35:13

Poznati Slavonci i Zagorci koji su dali obol hrvatskoj kulturi


O projektu: Istražiti i prikupiti podatke o što više Slavonaca i Zagoraca koji su na bilo koji način i u bilo kojem području kulture ,povijesti ,znanosti ,ali i sporta pridonijeli širenju hrvatskoga imena i dali obol hrvatskoj kulturi.
Posvetit ćemo se književnicima ,glazbenicima ,povjesničarima ,glumcima ,znanstvenicim i sportašima .


- Teaching outside the classroom
- Explore local entrepreneurs
- Think about interview questions
- Improve their English
- Develop media skills
- Learn how to become an entrepreneur
- Develop entrepreneurial skills
- Develop teamwork


The project will take about a month. Students will find local entrepreneurs with whom they want to make an interview. They have to figure out what they want to ask, organize time and place for interviewing. If the interview is in Croatian, students must write a translation into English. After the interview students have to write down a list of the entrepreneurial skills that thay were noticed by entrepreneurs.


Make an interview with local entrepreneurs or investigate them and play them out.



I. Gimnazija Osijek